Monday, September 27, 2010

Understanding Comics

Murphy and Me created by Michael Britt

To me this comic make me think about what usually happens during the holidays.
You get that knitted to little sweater or that hundred year old fruit cake and wish that you had a receipt to get what it is you really wanted. 
But at the same time most of us do not tell the person giving the gift what we really fill.
And are we really seeing a gift here or is it just a empty book?


Love the cartoon first of all. This comic strip makes me think though. The animaniacs are singing but the lyrics are not at all what they are on the show. Then as we read they talk about Pyromaniacs yet they are in fireman uniforms. Could this strip be give the artist idea that fire fighters are pyros their selfs and how come their talking about fires and there is not one seen in all the strip. But the best part I think is the end where the character is saying "Man! I love this show!" Just giving to the idea that the strip is just that a show.

Mama's Boyz by Jerry Craft

This is the first time that I have ran into this strip. But i think each one by this artist conveys a messages that sometime is missed when limitation are set on individuals. The girls want to see this movie but all are under the age of 17. The problem they run into is that they must be accompanied by a parent. But as see all are parent. So is it that they are to young to see the movie or to young to have bare children. and because they are parents them self should they be aloud to watch the movie?

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